Keep Your Data Center Safe with FM 200

Have you ever seen an arrangement of electrical devices arranged in huge racks spread over a huge land? If you have visited a data center then you would say yes. Some of the biggest data storage centers are known to house hundreds or thousands of hard drives and other necessary devices to store all information that is sent to them. This setup has one of the biggest arrangements of wires as it not only needs wires to connect every device with the main server; it also requires electricity supply to operate. Hence there is a great flow of current taking place in it every second it is active.

Due to the sensitivity of data stored in it, it is essential to ensure enough measures have been taken to avoid any huge loss in case of an accident. Most of the time, due to overheating or even some human error, such places can catch fire. This setup is not a public place; hence it means that there is no need to deploy a huge security staff to roam inside it every hour. To ensure safety and keep a look out for any unhappy event, the FM 200 fire suppression system is installed. The system provides security and an eye on the entire area in the absence of human personnel.

The system is equipped with heat and smoke sensors. If it detects a rise in the heat levels, it automatically triggers the alarm causing all people present at that time to become alert and respond accordingly. At the same time it starts spraying the area with the gas FM 200 which is odorless and colorless too. Thus the authorized people can rush to the site without fearing any harm of the gas upon them as it is tested and proven to be non toxic also. Upon reaching the spot of disturbance, the people can work to put out fire along with the FM 200.

The gas FM 200 is present in single skinned containers. They are placed in a separate room where there are no unauthorized people around. Being in single skinned containers allows them to remain inside them for a long time without the fear of leaking. But there is one catch to it, and that is you cannot see inside the cylinders to measure the amount of gas present. Thus you can do it only with the ultrasonic liquid level indicator which is the device that can measure the gas without needing to touch it physically. This device acts as your eyes and senses the gas inside the cylinder while being physically outside.

Do Not Fear FM 200 Solves Fiery Problems

Being good at fire fighting isn’t the perfect answer to handle a fire as big as a fire on a ship. Or claiming to have to most fire extinguishers is also not the perfect solution. Humans can only get near a huge blaze to a certain distance. Reaching the core gets tough when the temperatures are too high as humans cannot bear unsustainable heat and would have to fight the flames step by step. This action requires a huge fire fighting team and when there aren’t enough trained men to help, the situation can really get out of control. Precious time will be wasted and the damage will be greater.

Having a FM 200 fire suppression system really helps in such situations. It isn’t always that a fire starts from a very low intensity. It can be the result of a huge bang and then within seconds there’s fire everywhere. You team of fire fighters would need to rush in and start spraying with the fire dissolving agent quickly. But what if it has happened in the middle of the night and most of your staff has already reported off duty? Calling them from their homes is not the right answer, or if you even call the local fire fighting authority, the fire would have already done quite some damage.

Prevention is better than cure and this phrase suits every situation in life even if it isn’t medical. Having the FM 200 fire suppression system would save a lot of trouble. Since this system is automatic, it means it will sense danger much quickly than humans. The slightest rise in the temperature or smoke will cause it to raise the alarm. This will then initiate the process of killing the flames along with informing the humans nearby to be cautious and vacate the premises as quickly as possible in a safe manner.

The alarm will help everyone to become alert and respond to it in the right manner. FM 200 is a fire killing agent with some of the best characteristics. Before you can reach the spot, it will already have the fire under control. It has proven to be worthy in almost every small or the worst of times too. To make sure that you always have enough FM 200 to never bear any huge loss, make sure you regularly check its cylinders with the ultrasonic liquid level indicator.

FM 200 Efficient In Preserving Peace on Cruise

Man has created some things that are truly marvels on this planet. One of these man’s created marvels include the cruise ships which are no less than a city on a single platform. It contains everything, from bedrooms, bathrooms to casinos, restaurants, shops and even swimming pools. These giant sizes vessels floating on water are some of the biggest creations of man. The science used in their creation is truly marvelous. Not only is the huge mass balanced to float carelessly on water, it can even balance undistributed weight of the hundreds of people on board as they roam about cheerfully on it.

One thing that can clearly destroy even the biggest and the most powerful of the all the ships that have floated on water is an internal calamity. We have some of the most sophisticated ships today that can avoid an accident or a conflict from outside forces; anything gone wrong on the inside can destroy it completely for instance, uncontrolled fire. As there is a huge web of electric wires and thick cables that carry hundreds of volts to every corner of the ship, it is impossible to keep an eye on every cable and to monitor its safety at every second. Hence using the FM 200 fire suppression system ensures that any mishap can be dealt with quick responsiveness and a lot can be saved within seconds.

Using the FM 200 on cruise ships is a smart choice. By using water as a fire fighting agent, a lot can be risked. Water can damage the interior of the ship by wetting the wall papers and making them all bubbly or being peeled. It can also douse the people on board and cause a lot of panic which is certainly not intended even in an emergency. It can also increase the risk of electric short-circuit as it can get inside the switches and cause greater damage. In order to avoid all such circumstances, using the odorless and non-residue leaving agent as the FM 200 gives a higher sense of security.

To ensure that safety is nothing to be deeply concerned about, the staff must regularly check the gas cylinders with the ultrasonic liquid level indicator. Keeping a constant watch over the level of gas inside allows the staff to know if they really are in a position to combat the flames if there were a need for it during a cruise. Even if there is a small spark ignited at some corner of the ship, the authorities would be informed by the alarm and the gas would efficiently put it out. The passengers wouldn’t even know about it and there would be no panic as the flames would be killed the moment they are ignited.

Control Chaos with FM 200

When you are in a huge commercial building and someone says I smell something burning, what do you suppose it would be? Certainly no one is doing barbecue inside a shopping mall, or a building full of offices. It clearly means that something bad is going to happen and you must prepare to evacuate the building as soon as you can. Soon enough, the alarms go off and there’s panic all around you. People from every corner are rushing to the gates and the emergency exits to save their souls, this is what you should also be doing really quickly.

While people get a chance to evacuate and save their lives; what about the building that’s caught fire. How is it going to save itself from being burnt down to cinders? Obviously it can’t save itself but the FM 200 fire suppression system installed in it would be effective in saving it. We all know in testing times as this, people create a ruckus and the emergency staff has much more to manage than just fire. People make a stampeded and while they are running in frenzy, most of the weaker ones such as kids or the elders fall. They can be trampled beneath the rush of people and many lives are certainly lost in such an incident.

The security staff has to act quickly to save those lives and calm down people. They have the responsibility to manage the evacuation and they have no time to fight fire. If there won’t be fire suppression system installed, the fire would soon eat up the entire building and everything would be lost. The FM 200 fire suppression system manages to ward off the flames from gathering strength while the security personnel can act on the other verge and save lives that may be put to danger or lost completely not because of fire, but simply because of the alarm.

Since FM 200 is present in single skinned containers, it is essential to have them checked with the ultrasonic liquid level indicator regularly. Since you can’t peek inside and look at the gas yourself, nor is there any way you are going to shake that huge and heavy cylinder to feel inside. The ultrasonic gadget can get the job done for you and let you know about the level of gas inside. An empty cylinder is as good as not being present at all. Hence you’ll need to confirm it every single day the building is opening up that there is enough gas present to fight the biggest fire and keep chaos down as much as possible.

Measure FM 200 without Actually Touching It

There are times when your security systems and preparations are put to tests. Combating fire when there are no rescue teams to help is the real test how well you have guarded your ship against unexpected fire. Most of the times when a ship is out sailing in the open seas and oceans, there are no ways to get immediate help in case of a huge tragedy. There are countless reasons for a fire to erupt unexpectedly. Loose wirings of mishandling of electrical gadgets can also result in a voltage fluctuation causing the electric flow to be disturbed and spark a flame.

When you are hundreds of miles away from shore, how do you expect to fight flames that are spreading quickly over the ship? Humans can only control fire without proper equipment which isn’t already too powerful. There is a great need for some kind of fire suppression system to help along while humans try to control it. Water sprinkler are good to combat flames, but not on ships. It can increase the weight of a particular section of the ship causing it to become heavy and risk being tilted. Hence the use of FM 200 fire suppression system seems much better than water.

Being able to vaporize after being deployed on the flames, it causes no harm and damage to the ship’s balance. Also its remarkable property of being non toxic and not depleting oxygen level in the area allows humans to fight along it. Its nature of quickly disrupting the chemical chain reaction allows humans to stand aside and watch it spring to action. If there aren’t people to put down the flames, FM 200 is powerful enough to complete the task solo. So it is also the best fire fighting agent to be used in places where there aren’t humans present such as the cramped places or the loud and noisy engine rooms.

Since FM 200 is a gas and like every other gas sold publicly it comes filled in single skinned containers that have no opening points to allow the human eye to look inside and see how much is remaining. It has to be checked with the ultrasonic liquid level indicator which is the only device that can sense liquids and gas levels inside the single skinned containers. The device does not need to touch the liquids of gas it is measuring and hence can judge its levels just by the powerful and effective sensors fitted in it. You can simply learn about the level of the gas by reading it on its screen on the face of the gadget.

Always Check FM 200 with Ultrasonic Device

While wooden carvings look great for an interior it is the most targeted thing in case of fire. The luxury boats of today have wowing wood work present inside and they make the interior look elegant. We even have boats and ships built entirely out of wood. Beautiful as they may be, they keep feeding fire with fuel to gather more strength. The protective measure against such incidents isn’t to have wood removed from the inside, but to have a good fire suppression installed. They help provide adequate protection against unwanted fires. They keep your things safe when there are uncontrolled flames raging about.

FM 200 fire suppression system is one fine example of protection against uncontrolled fire. It is a complete system designed to suppress fire and provide protection against it. At first the most common type of such system was the water sprinkler. But since reports started coming in about water damage to precious goods and papers, the need for something much softer and goods friendly became necessary. Hence the safety systems manufacturing industry chose to explore their options in gas. Since gas can evaporate quickly after doing its task, the FM 200 came out as one of the best choices. Being colorless, odorless, non toxic and leaving no residue behind, ultimately it became the choice of almost all those offices and ships who wanted something like this.

The gas comes in single skinned containers of various sizes to meet the requirement of the people who want to purchase them. Owing to a non global standard of the rooms where these systems are installed, gas manufacturers have to supply in a variety of containers. For cramped spaces, small cylinders are suitable while where there is enough space to hold bigger cylinders; they can use them and enjoy having more gas to fight flames with. No matter how big or small the space is, one should always consult an expert to know how much he needs to remain completely safe in case of an emergency.

Running out of gas in emergency is as bad as not having any sort of safety suppression system. When you need to fight flames, it is important that there is enough FM 200 inside the cylinders to completely wipe out the flames. Hence it is important to keep checking the cylinders in a routine with the ultrasonic liquid level indicator. It is a handheld device with not too complicated methods of operation. This device can keep you informed about the level of gas inside the cylinders. Being single skinned, there is no other way you could check it with confidence. Hence this gadget proves to be equally reliable and important against fire safety and protection.

Suppress Fire with FM 200

When calamity strikes, the rescue teams are ready to spring to action, but what of there is no way of them reaching the place? This is what happens when a ship catches fire in the middle of the sea. The rescue teams however they might be willing to help, can’t reach the spot in a hurry. There are no roads connecting and the rescue ships are always near the shore nearest and they can take a bit of time to reach. On most occasions, by the time the rescue boats reach the ship in distress, it’s almost too late as the ship is already burnt and people who have jumped in the waters are to be rescued.

This is why it is important to have a FM 200 fire suppression system installed on the ships. There is no way you can keep a watch on every corner and know what’s happening on the ship. There could be a careless crew member smoking where he shouldn’t be. Or the wires get old and wear out from many places, the highly humid climate of the oceans and seas can cause them to become wet and cause a spark. The spark can be of much greater intensity and cause a small fire. The fire starts expanding to whatever it can reach and before you know, it completely fills a compartment. Then fighting it can be a very long event and until it comes completely under control, it keeps on inflicting damage to the ship’s body and can take lives too.

When a FM 200 fire suppression system is installed and ready for action on a ship, it springs to action the very second it senses danger. It does not need humans to operate it as it has an automatic working mechanism. It rings an alarm bell to warn the crew of an unwanted debacle, but at the same time starts working to fight the flames. While the gas is released to break the chain reaction, the crew can gather with the other tools to completely diffuse the fire that has come up totally unexpected. FM 200 is present inside single skinned containers. These containers should be regularly checked with the ultrasonic liquid level indicator to know how much is present inside. Empty or minimum level containers are as good as being non-present. At the time of need there wouldn’t be any gas to use and the fire would have all the opportunity to spread chaos.

FM 200 Fire Suppression System Replacing Water Sprinklers

Have you ever been in a building that caught fire with you inside it? What was your reaction, how long did it take for the rescue teams to arrive? Were there any safety precautions inside the building to fight the flames and provide a safe passage to the people inside? When buildings catch fire and there are many people inside, evacuation can be a huge problem and in the absence of fire suppression systems, the flames would become higher and block the exit points trapping people inside. Fire suppression systems provide protection to the people and keep the fire under control until the emergency arrives.

Today buildings are made very beautiful from the inside as well as outside and any harm to the interior alone can cause great damage and distress. The expensive drapery, wood work and paintings are a part of the interior and cost hundreds of dollars and protecting them is equally important to avoid monetary loss. The FM 200 fire suppression system is now being used in replacement of water sprinklers in buildings and even in the ships. FM 200 is a clean agent, a gas which is non toxic, colorless and odorless. Water can control fire when sprayed, but it wets everything inside and can cause damage to everything it touches.

Most of the buildings are now replacing water sprinklers with the gas fire suppression systems because they are better at keeping the things intact which are not damaged by fire. Even fire extinguishers are now not considered a good option because they spray white powder which needs to be cleaned afterwards. In the case of FM 200, there is nothing to clean because it evaporates as soon as it does its task and leaves no trace behind. Even if it falls on expensive paintings or machinery, it does no harm and diffuses in the air without a trace. It is odorless so there is no pungent smell inside.

Just like every other gas being sold commercially, FM 200 is also sold in single skinned containers. These containers have no openings except the only nozzle that is present on its top. The only way to measure these containers is with the help of the ultrasonic liquid level indicator. This device is handy and effective in measuring tough cylinders. Without needing to touch the liquid or gas, this device reveals the level of gas and liquids inside and the people can know how much is present inside without opening the container or shaking it to feel how much is inside.

Using FM 200 Fire Suppression Systems

Ever since there have been bigger setups around the city, the need for fire suppression systems became the utmost necessity. Protection against unmanaged and uncontrolled fire that takes place on buildings and on ships due to some errors or human negligence became necessary because when there are too many people around, things are bound to go wrong. Fire safety started by putting pails of water in different places and also sand. This practice was good but only in small units, but as the units grew bigger it became unsuccessful. Another drawback of sand and water was that when it was put in something, it was saved from fire damage but was nearly destroyed due to water or sand.

These practices were of the past; today there are much sophisticated methods such as fire sprinklers, flame and smoke detectors. To protect property and goods against water damage there was a greater need for some non liquid agent that could help in fire fighting. Hence, Halon came into use but after many years of its use it was discovered it harmed the ozone and was banned upon the revelation. Its successor came in the form of the FM 200 fire suppression system. FM 200 isn’t an ozone depleting gas nor is it toxic in any manner making it completely safe for use in public places without damaging the environment.

FM 200 is a colorless, odorless gas that leaves no residue behind when used. Like every other gas sold commercially it is available filled in single skinned containers of many sizes. Every organization can purchase the gas upon its use and need. The bigger need there is, more cylinders can be procured or if there is enough space to put in a huge cylinder, a custom cylinder can be made to eliminate the hassle of handling many cylinders. The FM 200 gas is used in many places today such as shopping complexes, restaurants, residential buildings, ships and boats too.

The cylinders need to be inspected for leaks and the pressure of the gas is also needed to be measured. The pressure can be known by measuring the gas level inside the cylinders. Using the ultrasonic liquid level indicator cylinders of every size and type can be measured. The gas can be measured using the device and a decision can be taken. If the level is way too low, there is an imminent need for a refill and it should be arranged.

FM 200 Fire Suppression Systems for Ships

At sea, safety requirements for the ship are of the highest importance. This also applies to the safety against fire. When out in the open sea, in the event of fire, prompt evacuation is impossible unless you jump in the waters of the greatest depths. Prompt arrival of outside help is impossible as there is nothing which would allow quick transport to reach the ship. Hence the ship owners and management should have a proper fire suppressant system installed as it is the only help that can be useful at the hour of need. The fire suppression system would be aiding the staff to combat flames when they have gone berserk and are bent on destroying everything that they can reach to.

The FM 200 fire suppression system is one of the best that can be used on a ship. It is a clean agent that works by interrupting fire on a molecular level. It does not act by taking oxygen out from the area, rather it feeds upon the heat of the flames causing it to cool down and break apart the chain reaction. It falls upon the flames in the form of a liquid, but since it has a very low melting point, it quickly turns into gas and vaporizes in thin air. FM 200 does not deplete oxygen from the area, it does not need to react with oxygen to become powerful, and hence it is the safest agent that can be used in the presence of humans and other living beings.

FM 200 is not available in small bottles at roadside vendors. It is a specifically manufactured gas and comes in single skinned containers of various sizes. According to the design and build of the ship, cylinders that are adjustable and easy to install can be procured and filled with the gas. For covering a bigger area but to be installed in a small space, multiple cylinders of smaller size can be used and connected with the maze of steel pipes that would be leading the gas to its destination.

Single skinned containers have no openings, slits or see through glass in them. Since they are fixed to a specific place, measuring them by feel or touch is impossible. They can be best measured with the help of an ultrasonic liquid level indicator which can detect the liquid level by its ultrasonic waves and give out precise level of the liquids inside.