Protect Property and Lives with FM 200

When there is an uncontrolled fire raging about, the damage is more than just based on property, there are lives put at stake too. When there are people roaming about an area, as the owner of that area it is your duty to ensure that no one is harmed by fire because you haven’t out in the security measures needed. Some of the worst accidents have been caused by fire where it not only destroyed property, but it also made a lot of families suffer. It is necessary to have a fire suppression system present which is working completely fine and ready to spring to action whenever needed.
The FM 200 fire suppression system is one of the most accomplished among the category of fire suppression systems. This ozone and human friendly but fire loathing suppression system can be installed in any place without ever fearing a loss due to it. FM 200 is an odorless, non toxic and non obscuring gas. Upon its discharge, there is nothing that is harmed due to it as it never leaves a trace or mark of its presence behind. There is nothing to be cleaned as it is a gas that does not form foam or any other kind of material whence it lands on the flames.

Since FM 200 is a non dangerous non destructive type of gas used to put out flames, it can be used in the presence of humans too. The gas works by not consuming the oxygen present in the area, rather it works upon the flames eating their heat and disrupting the chain reaction. It is a type of cooling agent that does not leave a mark after it has been there. Upon absorbing the heat from the flames, it turns into gas and evaporates in the air hence leaving no residue. Being colorless, it never leaves a mark.
FM 200 is a gas present inside single skinned containers similar to the fire extinguisher or the likes of propane gas cylinders. Being present inside single skinned containers, there isn’t any open space for peeking inside or to insert anything and feeling the gas inside. Hence it is obvious that an ultrasonic liquid level indicator is needed to measure it inside the cylinders. Using the ultrasonic waves for detection, it gives out a precise reading of the gas inside the cylinders and the staff can learn about it without fail.

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