A Liquid Free Fire Suppression System

Have you ever experienced being trapped on a burning ship? What would you do to save the ship and the lives on board knowing that there is no local fire department to call for help? The danger you see urges your conscience to help the others caught in the hazardous fire but what use can you be without having the proper tools? This situation can be a lot easier to handle if there is a proper FM 200 fire suppression system installed and ready to spring to action when needed reducing collateral damage within minutes.

How FM 200 fire suppression system works?
FM 200 is a liquefied gas, which means that it is actually a gas but not liquid. To store it in single skinned containers the gas is brought close to its freezing temperature and then pumped in the cylinders. This act helps in keeping the gas cool, easy to be pumped in and ready for quick release at a pressure that enables it to reach the floor and then evaporate.

Due to its low boiling temperature, it quickly turns into gas upon release. As it turns back into the gaseous form, it causes no short circuit upon touching electric wires and it also does not stain anything it comes in contact with. Upon discharge, it extinguishes fire promptly through a combination of chemical and physical heat removing properties. Unlike the other fire suppression agents, it does not muffle the flames by elimination of oxygen in the air. Instead, it removes heat from the flames causing them to cool down instantly. Since it does not kill oxygen level in the area, it is completely safe to be present amid living beings.

FM 200 works by absorbing heat from the flame zone causing disruption in the chain reaction and instantly diffusing the ability of the flames to spread further and gather more strength. This act minimizes chances of explosion, collateral damage and destruction of the building. The FM 200 fire suppression system is specially designed for marine safety and protection. Being present in the specially designed single skinned containers, it is easy for the crew to measure it inside them using the ultrasonic liquid level indicator. It enables them to know the amount present inside and to be sure that they are safe as there is enough gas to be effective against hazardous fire at the time of its need.

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